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"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito."

Writer's picture: Minnie's Island Team Minnie's Island Team

Above Quote: Betty Reese


Thanks to our many volunteers, we have enjoyed a very productive summer on the Minnie’s.

You’d never guess we were in the Dog Days of the season when you see the gains made on the island. The trails are the most visible sign of the efforts spearheaded by Rob Bragen and Joe Saliunas. A cleverly laid out matrix of paths on the island aids in accessing the breathtaking views of the river, flora, and fauna.

Volunteers relocated and permanently installed three simple wood bench seats in strategic areas to enjoy the vistas.

Moving materials to the island is always a trick, but many hands have made light work in recent months. The volunteers have carried literally truckloads of building supplies from parking areas, to river’s edge and loaded onto makeshift canoe barges, transferred to the shore and hauled up the trails to the cabin.

Although it may be some time before we install wood siding around the exterior of the cabin, the historic windows have received a little love from Neil Shaut and are functioning perfectly, and the existing plywood sheathing has been replaced and painted where needed.

The 2023 volunteer list includes: Adam Koon, David Morris, Nik Capps, Jim Mabry, Mark Kimmel, Christopher Bain, Kathleen Leverenz, Zach Leverenz, Alexandra Gerson, Arthur Duran, Jane Callen, Danielle Grant, Jeff Rothman, Mary Beardsley, Rodrigo Tenze, Natalie Cox, Howard Traul, Christopher Niebylski, Maia Niebylski, Noah Marble, Stephanie Wolfe and Daniela Jungova. They have been an enormous asset removing enormous invasive species brush piles, working on grading issues, reorganizing shop equipment and materials to aid in opening up the soon to be completely renovated screened porch.

Charlie Rankin has completed his restoration of an historic Gettysburg farmhouse door. Charlie milled and installed a custom mahogany jamb and trim for the door and installed historically correct hardware to give this nearly 3” thick beauty a new home. With its chamfered stile edges, tongue and groove beaded board insert panels, Georgian wired glass and many, many battle scars, the door looks like it belongs on the cabin. The farmer who rescued it said that he, ”didn’t have the heart to hang the thing on his chicken coop”. We are happy he saw the value in it. Charlie has given this door a beautiful perch; I hope you all can join us on the Island and see the door and all the improvements within!

Juliet Rodman has been reaching out to local schools and bringing students out to the island to do volunteer work to help complete their required community service hours, and they’ve been able to enjoy the fruits of their labor. We can proudly report that we now have students volunteering well past their required minimum set by the school district!

Dallas Harrison has been coordinating our volunteer efforts to fit the right crews with the right jobs, and Dallas typically joins the volunteers in their projects on the island. Italia Peretti has been skillfully designing and managing the website and is working with Dallas with communications with volunteers.

Please get in touch with us if you’d like to come out on a volunteer work day (typically the third Saturday of each month) or if you’d simply like a tour of the island. It’s always a fun and energetic gathering; we work hard and then enjoy a nice picnic on the deck with our volunteer friends and neighbors.

Please contact Dallas if you’d like join us and lend a hand, or contact the Minnie’s team at if you’d like a guided tour.

As always, thanks for your support.


Jack Mandel, Director


© 2024 Minnie's Island Community Conservancy

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